About Us

Electro Traders is a Marketplace Designed to Provide Quality Products at Affordable Prices for Our Valuable Customers. In 2014, we Start Our Journey by Opening a Physical Electronics Store by name of Electro Traders in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Now we are Providing More Than 1000 Products of Different Brands Under this Umbrella. We are Providing These Products at Cheap Prices in the Country. In 2020, we Decide to Expand Our Business as Online E-commerce Platform to Facilitate Those Customers Who are Unable to Reach Our Physical Store. Our Mission Statement is:

Provide Quality Products at Affordable Prices

Over the period of the last 10 years, YOU have taken Electro Traders from a simple business idea to a revolution in the heart of Pakistan’s Electronics market. The idea behind the development of Electro Traders was never about creating a retailer with good prices; but to give birth to a place where people could be served as a part of the family. Where they could actually feel the touch of electronics porduct application in the way they are dealt with. The world has moved to the next generation of business relationships; and we are proud to be the first in Pakistan’s electronics market to accept that “Yes, YOU are important!” With around 1,000% growth rate, we are proud and extremely happy to quote that Electro Traders has a family of more then a million online family members and more than 200,000 (and growing) customer’s offline; in comparison to a total of 10 customers 11 years ago. The world is changing and Electro Traders happily accepts that the customers of today are more tech savvy and demand value for their money. We believe that change is the only thing constant and in order to deliver to you the value you deserve, we are always in the process of evolving to the next best level.
The success of Electro Traders is not a magical coincidence but a result of experienced professionals listening to and implementing every suggestion that YOU gifted us with over the past 10 years. The world has revolutionized and it’s time to move from those close gullied and air tight markets to a system of automation where you do not need to run after sales people asking for product specification and quotations. Have a nice sip of coffee, stretch your legs and go through the updated, complete and vast range of products awaiting your royal presence by a few clicks. Even if you are not comfortable at dealing with an online market and need a more personal touch and suggestion to things; come visit electro Traders. 10 years ago people didn’t have online markets; and Electro Traders respects your demand for one to one communication and anxiously awaits your presence.
There might still be a lot of things that you could want to know about Electro Traders. Simply Sign up, feel free, and don’t be shy. We never tell our customers to hush away because there are others to deal with or we already met our daily sales quota. So, welcome to Electro Traders; and don’t you worry because whether you are a corporate client or an individual customer; we are family now.